First Module of the Medical Qigong Practitioner Training. No Prerequisites.
When: January 5, 2023 – January 8, 2023
Where: Sedona, Arizona (limited lodging)
Tuition: $1250/module
Curriculum: Broken down into five 30 hour segments (150 hours of workshop + 25 hours of externship + 25 hrs of personal practice), the MQ Practitioner (MQP) Certification Program is based on the curriculum that has been established at the Medical Qigong College at the Hai Dian University of TCM and used clinically at the Xi Yuan Medical Qigong Hospital in Beijing, China.
The Chinese Ministry of Health honored this curriculum in 2005 as meeting the Chinese standards for academic and clinical instruction. This was the first time a foreign Medical Qigong curriculum has been approved by the Chinese government (Ministry of Health and Ministry of Education), and its academic standards and clinical protocols formally accepted by a Traditional Chinese Medicine University.
P1 – Introduction to Medical Qigong and Self Cultivation (30hrs)
The first segment is designed to introduce the students to energetic Anatomy and Physiology, and basic theories of energy tonification, purgation, and regulation of the body’s internal organs and channels. In this session you will learn a set of Qigong exercises to strengthen your body and immune system, regulate the internal organs, nervous system and hormones, relieve pain, and regulate and release deep-seated emotions and stress.
P2 – Introduction to Medical Qigong Treatment Protocol (30hrs)
The second segment is designed to introduce the students to the Medical Qigong treatment protocol. Students will learn further theories of energy purgation, tonification, regulation and cultivation, as well as techniques used to avoid absorbing Toxic Qi while treating in a clinical environment. Students are led through a series of advanced Shen Gong (Spirit Cultivation) meditations and exercises, used to develop advanced intuitive diagnostic skills.
P3 – Clinical Foundations of Medical Qigong Therapy (30hrs)
The third segment is designed to give the students a deeper comprehension of the body’s energetic matrix as it pertains to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Disease, Diagnosis, and the Medical Qigong Clinic. The focus will be placed on integrating clinical Qigong modalities, advanced assessment, sound therapy, advanced Qi emitting techniques (including Invisible Needle, Energy Ball, etc.), and the development of the practitioner’s ability to vibrate energy in order to break stagnation.
P4 – Treatment of Organ Diseases & Medical Qigong Prescription Exercises (30hrs)
The fourth segment is designed to introduce students to the advanced theories and clinical modalities of internal organ treatment, as well as the Medical Qigong exercises and meditations prescribed as homework in the Medical Qigong Clinic. In this session students learn specific protocols to treat disease of the internal organs (Liver, Heart, Lungs, Spleen, Stomach, and Kidneys).
P5 – Clinical Theatre, Internship, and Final Examination (30hrs)
The clinical segment offers theoretical and practical exams as well as exposure and firsthand experience of Medical Qigong diagnoses and treatments. It will be the culminating event for the certification program. The student will experience different aspects of energetic dysfunctions and symptom manifestations. The instructor will guide and evaluate in all phases of diagnosis and treatment during the Clinical Theater and Internship phases.