Your body needs thyroid hormones to make cholesterol and to get rid of the cholesterol it doesn’t need. When thyroid hormone levels are low (hypothyroidism), your body doesn’t break down and remove LDL cholesterol as efficiently as usual. LDL cholesterol can then build up in your blood. Thyroid hormone levels don’t have to be very low to increase […]
The Foundation Practice of Prostrations Purification of Body, Speech and Mind In Tibetan, the word prostration is translated as chak tsal. Chak means to “sweep away” harmful actions and obscurations. Tsal means we receive the blessings of an enlightened body, speech and mind. “When we do prostrations we act on the level of body, speech, and mind, the […]
Tog Chöd, the practice of the Wisdom Sword, is a powerful meditation in motion using a wooden sword. “Tog” means “thought” and “Chöd” means “cut”. This practice works intensively with one’s own expectations and fears, to cut our anger, attachment, and ignorance–resulting clarity and bliss. This workshop is open for any level of physical fitness as we will begin […]
First Module of the Medical Qigong Practitioner Training. No Prerequisites. When: January 5, 2023 – January 8, 2023 Where: Sedona, Arizona (limited lodging) Tuition: $1250/module Curriculum: Broken down into five 30 hour segments (150 hours of workshop + 25 hours of externship + 25 hrs of personal practice), the MQ Practitioner (MQP) Certification Program is based on the […]
Plastics (or the chemical name, phthalates) are now considered the number one pollutant in the human body. They make products flexible, durable, and these chemicals are also in items you would not consider to be plastics, like pesticides, detergents, cosmetics, medications, or your shampoo. They are found everywhere. It is difficult to completely avoid them. You can live in the most […]
AIT uses the acupuncture meridian system by injecting the points with sterile medicinal solutions to obtain a dual effect of acupoint stimulation and the pharmacological effect of the substance injected. This stronger treatment of the acupoint injection can continue to stimulate the location up to 36 to 48 hours as the fluids are absorbed.
Tri Immune Boost is a triple defense immunity formula that consists of potent antioxidants and an essential mineral that assists in supporting the body’s immune response. Injections can be administered 1x/week. If your immune system is not working at its maximum capacity, you are not giving yourself the best shot of staying healthy and warding off illness. Optimizing […]
Amino Blend (GLUTAMINE/ARGININE/ORNITHINE/LYSINE/CITRULLINE/CARNITINE) is designed to replenish your amino acids in the fastest and most effective way and boosts your reserves and sends amino acids into your cells in the optimal concentration. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins and enzymes, such as those used for hair, nails and muscles, as well as proteins essential to immune […]
Vitamin B-12 aides in the growth of healthy blood cells, nerve cells, and bodily proteins; assist with the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates to release energy; help regulate appetite and mood (key factors in overeating); and are a great treatment for people who cannot absorb vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 is an essential water-soluble vitamin that is commonly found […]
METHIONINE/INOSITOL/CHOLINE/B1/B2/B6/CYANOCOBALAMIN/CARNITINE (LIPO-MINO MIX) Methionine Inositol Choline (MIC) Injections, also referred to as Lipotropic Injections, or Lipo Injections, are used to help release fat throughout the body by specifically targeting its primary fatty deposits. Lipotropic, or fat burning substances include: inositol, which helps the liver remove fat; choline, which distributes cholesterol and prevents it from getting deposited in one part of […]
If you or anyone you know have lost a loved one, we offer a donation based treatment to aid in the grieving process—whether it be shock, anger, or loss—we hope to help you move forward in the right direction with the guidance of your helpers and the loved one’s spirit. Please let us know in advance when you […]
Spring is here in Seattle and today’s Equinox is officially the first day of spring! Ancient Daoist regarded the transition from winter to spring as an important time of renewal, not just in nature but also in our bodies. The element associated with spring is the wood element, which is known for its strength and flexibility. The wood […]
Lu Jong is an ancient practice from the Buddhist Tantrayana and Bön traditions. The exercises of Lu Jong are based on the knowledge of Tibetan medicine, which understands that humans are a unity of body and mind. If the natural inner balance gets disrupted, the whole organism will be affected. Diseases can be the result. Through the combination […]
Medical Qigong is one of the Four Branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Practitioners of Medical Qigong Therapy first train to enhance their own life-force energy (Qi), and later learn to sense and directly influence the Qi of another person, in order to bring about a state of health and vitality. The principle underlying the teachings is the Dao […]
Is QST Autism Massage Right for My Child? Research studies show that QST autism massage is a safe and effective therapy for autism in children under the age of 12. QST autism massage is the only autism therapy that is effective for all symptoms of autism – behavioral, sensory, social and language – and it is the only autism therapy […]
The powers of consciousness, or siddhis, range from what are called the lesser siddhis to what are termed the greater siddhis. The lesser siddhis include such psychic abilities as clairvoyance (inner seeing), clairaudience (inner hearing), clairsentience (inner feeling), as well as clairgnosis (inner knowing), as in knowing something, but not knowing how you know it. The first three, […]
As our present life includes our past lives, how can the whole (our present life) be less than the part (our past lives)? It is unrealistic not to try to extend and deepen the life which we are presently living. Past connections are only as valuable as the consciousness of the person using the connection to expand what […]
Most of us experience the oscillation between the two extremes of grasping (for what we want) and avoiding (what we don’t want) on a daily basis. The whirly-gig of mind is always spinning because that is its nature. In other words, it is always moving. Thoughts and feelings are always arising from this movement of the mind. And […]
A PRELIMINARY STUDY OF THE EFFECT OF EXTERNAL QIGONG ON LYMPHOMA GROWTH IN MICE To cite this article: Kevin W Chen, Samuel C. Shiflett, Nicholas M. Ponzio, Binhui He, Deborah K. Elliott, Steven E. Keller. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. October 2002, 8(5): 615-621. doi:10.1089/107555302320825138. Objective: To examine the effectiveness of external qigong on the in vivo growth of […]
Impact of Medical Qigong on quality of life, fatigue, mood and inflammation in cancer patients: a randomized controlled trial © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Society for Medical Oncology. Several studies have indicated that medical qigong (MQ) has many health benefits, such as decreased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, lowered […]
Beneticte’s Interview with Zenovia Hwang on 3/2/15 B: So before we really start, we have to go through an official protocol because this is an official study for my dissertation. Z: What school? B: I am going to school in San Francisco at the California Institute for Integral Studies. I am working on my doctoral thesis, dissertation for […]
A PILOT STUDY OF EXTERNAL QIGONG THERAPY FOR PATIENTS WITH FIBROMYALGIA To cite this article: Kevin W. Chen, Afton L. Hassett, Faxiang Hou, Joy Staller, Alan S. Lichtbroun. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. November 2006, 12(9): 851-856. doi:10.1089/acm.2006.12.851. Objectives: Although qigong is an important part of Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) based on a philosophy similar to acupuncture, few […]
“Everyone should know that most cancer research is largely a fraud, and that the major cancer research organisations are derelict in their duties to the people who support them.” (source) The above quote comes from Linus Pauling, Ph.D, and two time Nobel Prize winner in chemistry (1901-1994). He is considered one of the most important scientists in history. […]
Observation of qi-gong treatment in 60 cases of pregnancy-induced hypertension Qi-gong relaxation exercise was used for treatment of pregnancy induced hypertension(PIH). Patients exercised 3 times a day until labor. In this study, there were two groups with 60 cases of PIH who had delivered in each group, they were treated by Qi-gong for one group and by medicine […]
Yan Xin Qigong Scientific Research Laser Raman Observation on Tap Water, Saline, Glucose, and Medemycine Solutions under the Influence of External Qi Abstract The purpose of these experiments was to investigate whether the external qi of qigong could cause measurable changes in the properties of tap water and some aqueous solutions. Laser Raman spectroscopy is a well-known technique […]
Friday, January 14, 2011 by: Dr. Randall Neustaedter, OMD In a controlled study published in September 2010 of 156 7th graders aged 13 and 14 years-old, students were taught and practiced qigong moving meditation during school. Kids in the control group had normal school activities. The qigong group practiced for 25 minutes twice a week for 8 weeks. […]
BENEFITS OF EXTERNAL QIGONG THERAPY ON MORPHINE-ABSTINENT MICE AND RATS To cite this article: Zhixian Mo, Kevin W. Chen, Wenwei Ou, Ming Li. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. December 2003, 9(6): 827-835. doi:10.1089/107555303771952172. Objective: To exclude possible psychological effects of qigong therapy in the treatment of addiction effectively, morphine-dependence models need to be established in mice and rats. […]
Storing of qi gong energy in various materials and drugs: Its clinical application for treatment of pain, circulatory disturbance, bacterial or viral infections, heavy metal deposits, and related intractable medical problems by selectively enhancing circulation and drug uptake. SOURCE Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York, N.Y. Omura Y. ABSTRACT In the process of evaluating the effects of external Qi […]
Unique changes found on the Qi Gong (Chi Gong) Master’s and patient’s body during Qi Gong treatment; their relationships to certain meridians & acupuncture points and the re-creation of therapeutic Qi Gong states by children & adults. Omura Y, Lin TL, Debreceni L, Losco BM, Freed S, Muteki T, Lin CH. SOURCE Heart Disease Research Foundation, New York, NY. Acupunct Electrother Res. 1989;14(1):61-89. ABSTRACT Changes […]
SEEDS INDUCED TO GERMINATE RAPIDLY BY MENTALLY PROJECTED `QI ENERGY’ ARE APPARENTLY GENETICALLY ALTERED by Feng Bai, Chulin Sun, Zhiyi Liu, Jinchuan Shen, Yinzhu Shen, Rongchao Ge, Caili Bei, Jindong Zhang, Xiaohong Shi, Yicheng Liu, Xuiecheng Liu Abstract: Mentally controlled qi energy can induce crop seeds to sprout and root for several cm within about 20 min. The […]
Following the National Day Golden Week in October 2014, Beijing welcomed a special group of friends from the United States. This fourteen-member delegation were members of the Chinese Traditional Martial Arts and Cultural Exchange Association (CTMACEA 中华传统武术与文化交流促进会), led by Grandmaster Jia Shu Sen (贾树森). A native of Beijing, Grandmaster Jia is an esteemed member of the Chinese Wushu […]
“Every relationship is one of give and take. Giving engenders receiving, and receiving engenders giving. What goes up must come down; what goes out must come back. In reality, receiving is the same thing as giving, because giving and receiving are different aspects of the flow of energy in the universe. And if you stop the flow of […]
1. Forgive those who insult you, attack you, belittle you or take for granted. But more than this… forgive yourself for allowing them to hurt you. — Juno Cristi 2. When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way […]