Gathering the Moon Essence was practiced in Daoist meditations to cultivate the kidneys and nourish the yin qi, which rules the dream states. Practicing during full moons, as well as practicing in groups, magnifies our ability to have more profound dream experiences. We will gather and cultivate the growing light of the full moon, enhancing our 3 body’s ability to recall and train in lucidity, spirit traveling, and soul projections.
Meeting ID:
3 Evenings leading up the the full moon @9pm PDT
1st Evening (1hr): Instructions for Meditations and Discussions on Dream Practices (purpose, types, stages, examining, karmic traces, lucidity, spirit traveling, soul projections, etc.)
Following Evenings (30mins): Gathering the Moon Essence Meditation
Dream Magic:
- Every system of magic is based on the premise that anything you believe to be possible is possible.
- Purpose of dream practice is to increase jing/qi/shen power in working with the spiritual realm of energy, ultimately leading to full clarity. Greatest value the dream realm offers is a context for spiritual training.
Energy Projection: Qi is projected out of the body like an energetic vapor. Train to control mind, breath, and posture.
Spirit Projection: Yuan shen is projected outside physical body to view people, places, and things as an observer. Remote viewing, mind travel, traveling clairvoyance to other dimensions. Train in shen gong meditations.
Soul Projection: Spirit body+consciousness (shen), is projected out of the physical body. Can float around the physical realm as a spirit entity. Can move physical objects by lowering the vibrational resonance. Astral traveling, immortal fetus/golden embryo. More advanced stage. Train in the 5 phases of soul traveling.