
It’s going to sound pretty radical to say that my life has changed since I started coming here, but it has. My relationships are better, my work is better, my body is better, my skin is better, and I feel stronger and more balanced. I daresay I’m even happier. 😉

I’m a Feng Shui Consultant, so I know all about “zen”. However, living in a beautiful Feng Shui environment PLUS doing Medical/Exercise Qi Gong & Acupuncture on your body, is like living in a state of perfect balance. Qi Gong is very much like doing Feng Shui on your body. They both are based on the I-Ching, The Five Elements, and many similar precepts.

I’ve been going to Zen for Medical Qi Gong since October, 2011. She is deeply wise beyond her years.