Nei Dan (内丹), Internal Elixir, is an ancient esoteric Daoist alchemical practice for realizing enlightenment in this lifetime. This is done by cultivating our xing (性) “original human nature” and ming (命) “worldly destiny,” by transmuting the three treasures of the body, Jing (精) Qi (氣) and Shen (神).

This “Internal Elixir” is possessed by every human being and is a representation of one’s own innate realized state. Liu Yiming (1734-1821) expresses this view as follows:
“Human beings receive this Golden Elixir from Heaven. . .Golden Elixir is another name for one’s fundamental nature, inchoate and yet accomplished. There is no other Golden Elixir outside one’s fundamental nature.
All human beings have this Golden Elixir complete in themselves: it is entirely realized in everybody. It is neither more in a sage, nor less in an ordinary person. It is the seed of the Immortals and the Buddhas, the root of the worthies and the sages.”

NeiDan can be called the highest form of Qigong as it is the most subtle and refined level of the internal practices. It is also called the “King of Medicine.” Qigong and Neigong exercises aids in preparation for the beginning NeiDan meditation practices.
In our classes, specific instructions and path is outlined for personalized energetic meditations to cultivate the elixir, as well as tools for self-mastery to help uncover our natural state of our mind.